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How to install phpPgAdmin using Yum

phpPgAdmin is a web-based administration tool written in PHP to dealing with PosgreSQL Database. It is best choice of PostgreSQL Database administrator, Developer, and hosting services.phpPgAdmin is available only in PostgreSQL RPM repository. If you didn’t add PostgreSQL repository, you should add EPEL repository. In this article we...
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Install and Configure FreeIPA Server Centos7/RHEL7

FreeIPA is a free and open source (identity management tool) integrated security information management solution relating Linux, Directory server. It contains of a command line and web interface supervision tools. it is the upstream venture (Project) for Red Hat identity manager. Using FreeIPA Server tool, we can straightforwardly...
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Install Postgresql Database Centos7/RHEL7

This article is related to Install Postgresql Database Centos7/RHEL7. PostgreSQL could be a powerful, open supply object-relational info system that uses and extends the SQL language combined with several options that safely store and scale the foremost sophisticated knowledge workloads. The origins of PostgreSQL originate to 1986 as...
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Install and configure DRBD on Centos, RHEL

DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device) is a Linux-based free open source software component DRBD facilitates the replacement of shared storage systems by networked mirroring. DRBD makes it possible to maintain consistency of data among multiple systems in a network. Drbd is a block device which is planned to...
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AWSTATS installation and configuration on Centos and RHEL

This tutorial will describe you AWSTATS installation and configuration on Centos and RHEL server. AWStats is a free as well as opensource powerful and featureful tool, that initiate very useful graphically statistics for web, mail server, ftp server. This log analyzer reporting tool run as a CGI or...
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