What is Kubernetes pod? Pod Cheat Sheet

What is Kubernetes pod? Pod Cheat Sheet https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/assign-cpu-resource/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/ Pods are the smallest and primary deployable objects of computing that you can create and manage in Kubernetes Cluster. A Pod signifies a single instance of a running process in your Kubernetes cluster, The containers of pod are managed...
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How to install Kubernetes cluster on Centos

Kubernetes is a free open-source container orchestration engine or tool for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Google initially designed Kubernetes, but the Cloud Native Computing Foundation now maintains the project. Kubernetes automates functioning tasks of container administration and includes integral commands for deploying applications, rolling...
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What is Dockefile? Create docker image for nodejs

In this tutorial you will learn what is Dockerfile and how to create docker image for nodejs application A Dockerfile is a text file that has a sequence of instructions commands on how to build your application image. It provisions a simple set of commands that you need...
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What is a helm chart

What is a helm chart Helm uses a packaging format called charts. A chart is a collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources In other word the helm chart just a package manager like (linux package manager apt, dnf, yum,zypper) for kubernetes cluster. With...
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Nginx RTMP Media server With Nginx-RTMP module On Centos

Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is a trademarked protocol, formerly developed by Macromedia. Macromedia now owned by Adobe. RTMP can do real-time streaming of video, audio, and data between a server and Flash player. However Adobe has declared that it will no longer support Flash, RTMP remains a...
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Install jisti-meet video conferencing server on Ubuntu 18

Install jisti-meet video conferencing ….. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jitsi Jitsi may be a collection of free and open-source multiplatform voice (VoIP), videoconferencing and instant messaging applications for the online platform, Linux, macOS, Windows, iOS and Android.The Jitsi project began with the Jitsi Desktop (previously referred to as SIP Communicator). With the...
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Payara Server On Centos7 Step by Step Installation

Payara Server is an open-source middleware application server consequent from GlassFish Server Open Source Edition. It was designed in 2014. Payara Server platform provides secure and reliable deployments of JAVA EE softwares (Applications) in any atmosphere: on premise, in the cloud environment or hybrid environment. Learn Installation of...
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How to install phpPgAdmin using Yum

phpPgAdmin is a web-based administration tool written in PHP to dealing with PosgreSQL Database. It is best choice of PostgreSQL Database administrator, Developer, and hosting services.phpPgAdmin is available only in PostgreSQL RPM repository. If you didn’t add PostgreSQL repository, you should add EPEL repository. In this article we...
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Install and Configure FreeIPA Server Centos7/RHEL7

FreeIPA is a free and open source (identity management tool) integrated security information management solution relating Linux, Directory server. It contains of a command line and web interface supervision tools. it is the upstream venture (Project) for Red Hat identity manager. Using FreeIPA Server tool, we can straightforwardly...
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Install Postgresql Database Centos7/RHEL7

This article is related to Install Postgresql Database Centos7/RHEL7. PostgreSQL could be a powerful, open supply object-relational info system that uses and extends the SQL language combined with several options that safely store and scale the foremost sophisticated knowledge workloads. The origins of PostgreSQL originate to 1986 as...
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Install SSL Certificate on Apache Tomcat Centos/ Ubuntu

Apache Tomcat, basically referred to as Tomcat Server, is a free open-source Java Servlet Container which is developed and produced by the Apache Software Foundation. In this article we will tell you that how to Install SSL Certificate on Apache Tomcat Centos Linux server Install SSL Apache Tomcat...
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How to manage Samba4 AD-DC using command line

This article will describe you how to manage Samba4 AD-DC using command line, such like add, remove, disable, enable or listing users and groups. We’ll additionally take a glance on a way to manage domain security policy and the way to bind AD users to native PAM authentication...
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How to install Node.js and NPM on CentOS

Node.js is a cross-platform JavaScript run-time atmosphere that permits server-side execution of JavaScript code. Node.js is mostly used on the back-side off the application, but it is also widespread as a full-stack and front-end solution. npm, short for Node Package Manager is the defaulting package manager for Node...
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How to Setup Mariadb Galera Cluster on Centos

MariaDB is a relational database management system (RDBMS) and MariaDB Galera Cluster is a synchronous multi-master cluster for MariaDB. It is available on Linux only, and only supports the XtraDB/InnoDB storage engines. When Galera Cluster is in use, you can direct reads and writes to any node with...
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