Install jisti-meet video conferencing …..
Jitsi may be a collection of free and open-source multiplatform voice (VoIP), videoconferencing and instant messaging applications for the online platform, Linux, macOS, Windows, iOS and Android.The Jitsi project began with the Jitsi Desktop (previously referred to as SIP Communicator). With the expansion of WebRTC, the project team focus shifted to the Jitsi Video Bridge for allowing web-based multi-party video calling. Later the team added Jitsi Meet, a full video conferencing application that has web, Android, and iOS clients. Jitsi also operates, a version of Jitsi Meet hosted by Jitsi for free of charge community use. Other projects include: Jigasi, lib-jitsi-meet, Jidesha, and Jitsi…….In this tutorial you will learn that how to Install jisti-meet video conferencing server on Ubuntu 18.
Setting the System Hostname
In this step, you will setup the system’s hostname, The server hostname should be match the domain name that you want to use for your Jitsi Meet VPS/Instance and hostname should be point to the localhost IP, Jitsi Meet uses both of these settings when it installs and generates its configuration files.
[]vi /etc/hostname
Now Verify that this was successful by running the following:
Then, add the following line in /etc/hosts file: jitsi.your-domain
Installing Jitsi Meet
In this step, To install the jitsi-meet you have to add the Jitsi stable repository on your server and after that install the Jitsi Meet package from the repository.
First, download the Jitsi GPG key with the wget downloading utility:
We will use the apt package manager to add GPG key to validate the packages which will get download from the Jitsi repository.
Next, add the downloaded GPG key using following command:
Now, we will add the Jitsi repository on the server by generating a new source file that hold the Jitsi repository. Open and create the new file with your favorite editor:
Add this line to the file for the Jitsi repository:
deb stable/
save and close the editor
Finally, execute the following command to update the system update to fetch the packages list from the Jitsi repository.
[]sudo apt install jitsi-meet
When you run the installation command the jitsi installer will ask the domain name so you will have to exnter the domain name (for example, jitsi.your-domain) that you want to use for your Jitsi Meet instance
After a new dialog box will be shown and will ask to create and use a self-signed TLS certificate or use an existing one you already have:
If you do not have a own TLS certificate for your Jitsi domain select the first, Generate a new self-signed certificate, You can later obtain a signed certificate
Obtaining a Signed TLS Certificate
In this tutorial we are using Lets’encrypt certificate so follow the below steps.
[]apt install certbot
Your server is now ready to run the TLS certificate installation program provided by Jitsi Meet:
Locking Or Enable Authentication For Conference
In this step, we will enable and configure authentication for Jitsi Meet server to only allow registered users to create conference rooms.
The variable your_domain will be used to replacement of a domain name in the following examples.
First, open sudo nano /etc/prosody/conf.avail/ with a text editor:
Edit this line:
To the following:
This configuration instruct Jitsi Meet to force username and password authentication before allowing conference room creation by a new visitor.
Then, in the same file, append the below section to the end of the file:
authentication = “anonymous”
c2s_require_encryption = false
This configuration permits non authenticate users to join conference rooms which created by an authenticated user. However, the guest must have a unique address and an optional password for the room to enter it.
Here, you added guest. As prefix of your domain name. For instance, for jitsi.your-domain you would put guest.jitsi.your-domain. The guest. hostname is only used internally by Jitsi Meet. You will never enter it into a browser or need to create a DNS record for it.
Open another configuration file at /etc/jitsi/meet/your_domain-config.js with a text editor:
Edit this line:
// anonymousdomain: ‘,
To the following:
Again, by using the guest.your_domain hostname that you used earlier this configuration tells Jitsi Meet what internal hostname to use for the un-authenticated guests.
Next, open /etc/jitsi/jicofo/
And append the following rows to complete the configuration changes:
This configuration points one of the Jitsi Meet processes to the local server that performs the user authentication that is now required.
Your Jitsi Meet instance is now designed so that only listed users can create conference rooms. After a conference room is produced, anyone can join it without needing to be a registered user. All they will need is the unique conference room address and an optional password set by the room’s creator.
Now that Jitsi Meet is designed to require or need authenticated users for room creation you need to register these users and their passwords. You will use the prosodyctl utility to do this.
Execute the following command to add a user to your server:
The above user that you added is not a system or normal linux user. They will only be able to create a conference room and are not able to log in to your server via SSH.
Now finally perform the restart command to load the new configuration:
[]sudo systemctl restart jicofo.service
[ systemctl restart jitsi-videobridge2.service
The Jitsi Meet will now open a request box for username and password when a conference room is created.
Enjoy! As iIn this tutorial you learnt that how to Install jisti-meet video conferencing server on Ubuntu 18