NAGASI AppServer Manager automatize aggregate installations and configurations for Glassfish, Jetty, Tomcat and WildFly on a single server, across multiple VPS, and across multiple servers. For IT Techs, it provide central management of application server possession and resources extend across the enterprise. And for Web Hosts, it provide Private JVM JAVA Hosting.
NAGASI AppServer Manager provide Private JVM Java Hosting in a shared environment. This permits end-user to install and configure standard Application. Also you are able to restart, start, stop the Runtime (JAVA JVM) at anytime. Generally JVM only allow users to upload a WAR, jsp, or Servlet. And some time user would need to customize own JAVA Application to comply with the shared JVM environment
NGASI AppServer Requirement
For Linux and Unix based Systems including:
Red Hat, Fedora, Centos, Ubuntu, Debian, Whitebox
Note :: Selinux security feature should be dislabled, You should install NGASI AppServer Manager after installing your Web Control Panel.
Supported Control Panels.
The NGASI AppServer is compatible with following control panels.
In this article we are going to install NGASI AppServer with cPanel/WHM Server.
First of all download the NGASI rpm through following url.
For 32 bit Centos/RHEL Operating System