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How to Setup Mariadb Galera Cluster on Centos

MariaDB is a relational database management system (RDBMS) and MariaDB Galera Cluster is a synchronous multi-master cluster for MariaDB. It is available on Linux only, and only supports the XtraDB/InnoDB storage engines. When Galera Cluster is in use, you can direct reads and writes to any node with...
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How to install and Configure MariaDB on Centos 6

MariaDB is a community-developed branching of the MySQL relational database management system, the impulse being the community fixing of its free status under the GNU GPL. Being a branch of a leading open source application system, it is famous for being led by its original developers and induction...
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How to install and configure MySQL workbench on linux system

Install mysql workbench 5.6 MySQL Workbench is a combined and most useful visual tool for developers, database architects, and database administrators. MySQL Workbench provides data modeling, data designing SQL development, and wide-ranging administration tools for server configuration, user administration, data backup, and other useful tools. MySQL Workbench is...
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InnoDB engine status showing disabled in Mysql

The InnoDB by default enabled. But sometime it automatically disabled due to uncleanly shutdown or any other reasons. To view the Innodb status in mysql. #mysql -u root -p mysql> show engines; InnoDB |DISABLED 1. To resolve the problem append the below line in my.cnf file. #skip-innodb then...
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