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How to manage Samba4 AD-DC using command line

This article will describe you how to manage Samba4 AD-DC using command line, such like add, remove, disable, enable or listing users and groups. We’ll additionally take a glance on a way to manage domain security policy and the way to bind AD users to native PAM authentication...
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Examples of SFTP command to transfer files on linux system

SSH File Transfer Protocol also known as Secure File Transfer Protocol, or SFTP, it is a internet network protocol for managing the files and directories from remote location. SFTP allows users to file transfer, file access and file management utilities over the linux servers. It was developed by...
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How To Monitor Linux Server with ps command

The ps command on linux is one of the most basic commands for viewing the running processes on the linux. It provides the current processes and services with detailed like cpu usage, memory utilization, user id, command name etc. ps command is very usefully for every linux system...
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Ngnix Installation and Configuration

How do I install and configure a ngnix FastCGI php5 HTTP / web server under Red Hat / RHEL / Fedora / CentOS Linux? This article shall describe Ngnix Installation. Nginx is an HTTP(S) server, reverse proxy and IMAP/POP3 proxy server written by Igor Sysoev. It is known...
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