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AWSTATS installation and configuration on Centos and RHEL

This tutorial will describe you AWSTATS installation and configuration on Centos and RHEL server. AWStats is a free as well as opensource powerful and featureful tool, that initiate very useful graphically statistics for web, mail server, ftp server. This log analyzer reporting tool run as a CGI or...
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Install Hadoop (single node) on CentOS/Rhel

Apache Hadoop is absolutely free and open-source software module for remote-access data processing of huge Data sets across clusters. In other word, Hadoop is a set of rule (frameworks) that permit storing huge amounts of data (large data or Big Data), and processing it in a much more...
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Install ModSecurity on Apache Ubuntu Server.

Mod_security is an apache module it works as a web application layer firewall that helps to protect your website from various attacks. Mod_Security is used to block commonly known exploits by use of regular expressions and rule sets. Through this article you can install ModSecurity on Apache Ubuntu...
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How to monitor a website in real-time with apachetop

Apachetop is a very helpful application/tool that allows to administrator/webmaster to monitor Apache traffic in real time. Apachetop provide the output that how many requests per second are generating, which files have been opened and how many times. It bassically veiw domain’s log files in same time and...
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